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Dining With Dignity

Dining With Dignity By - Jennifer Freedman, second year Ryerson Journalism student The concept of a “Free Pop Up Restaurant” was brought to the Ryerson campus on Tuesday, March 31 with a joyous event called Dining with Dignity, created and hosted by Ryerson Hillel student Rebecca Katzman. Katzman is an intern for the Israel...

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Shabbat Dinner - A Mulit-faith gathering

Shabbat Dinner - A Multi-faith gathering By - Amy Grief, Ryerson Master of Journalism Student How many Shabbat meals has the Maple Leaf Gardens—now known as the Mattamy Athletic Centre—hosted? Just one. And it happened on March 27 at Ryerson University’s largest ever multi-faith Shabbat dinner. The event, run by Hillel and Ryerson President...

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The relationship between ECC and Hillel

February 26th, 2015 I met Shelly Feld and Ed Prutschi (past and present chairs of the Hillel Toronto board) five years ago. We were all fortunate to be selected to participate in a 2 year UJA Joshua Institute for Jewish Communal leaders program. I still vividly remember the first day of the program. The...

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The New Year

By Shelly Feld - Hillel of Greater Toronto, Past Chair of the Board With a new calendar year underway, it is a common time to take stock of how we are doing as individuals and as an organization. Hillel of Greater Toronto can take pride and comfort from the fact that the ‘state of...

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TGIS - Dating before J-Date?

Dating Before J-Date? One opportunity that the online dating world has provided, is that we must spend time thinking about what our values are, what qualities we bring to the table, and what characteristics we are looking for in a potential partner. More than just thinking about them, we have to document them in...

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Fighting Back

HILLEL STUDENTS FIGHT BACK AGAINST RISING ANTI-SEMITISM Motion to combat and document racism on Ryerson campus passes at General Assembly November 12, 2014 (Toronto, Ontario) - Last night, at the Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) Fall General Assembly, students carried a motion committing the union to publicly oppose actions on campus that are anti-Semitic and...

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